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How much will a Splash Pad cost?​​​​​​​​​​
Our estimated budget is $280,000 at this point. Once we have a location determined we will be able to more

accurately forecast the cost.




​Where will it be located?​​​​​​​​​​
The location has not been determined just yet. Please provide us your suggestions via our Facebook page at

All suggestions will be reviewed by Wilmot council with the location to be determined by the end of September 2013.

Bring a Splash Pad to Wilmot

251 Huron St.

New Hamburg, ON

N3A 2Z7


Tel: (519) 662-6277



Who are we?

​We are a local group of community volunteers seeking support for a Splash Pad in the Township of Wilmot! A Splash Pad can play a vital role in the health, fitness, and well being of

young children and families in our community.​

​What is a Splash Pad?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
A splash pad combines water movement and interactive play elements in a safe zero-depth water play area. There is no need for lifeguards and with no standing water children of all swimming abilities can enjoy a safe cool experience. The play area is constructed on a concrete slab with various water features that spray water in different patterns and directions, cooling off the visitors on hot summer days.




Wilmot Township is made up of 14 small tight knit communities in the middle of south western Ontario. It has a population of 20,000 people and we all stand together and want to bring a Splash Pad to Wilmot for the next generation of children. Based on our 2011 census we have just under 4,000 children aged fourteen and under.


With childhood obesity rates and the cost of extracurricular activates on the rise it gets harder and harder for families to keep their children active at a cost they can afford. With these rising costs it is only getting more clear who the have and have not kids are.


Also with Canada ranked 17th out of 29 in Unicef’s ranking of childhood physical fitness and well being among industrialized countries. It only shows we need more free access for childrens fitness in our communities.


We want to bring a Splash Pad to Wilmot Township so we can have a free all access water park where families of all incomes and children of all abilities can have the same access to an amazing free use splash pad and join together to have a safe and active fun summer!


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